I think that you cannot came to Italy, especially in Umbria, Tuscany or Marches without visiting several factory outlets and company stores spread all over this triangle of Italy. Several famous and exclusive firms of cashmere, shoes, home décor, design, fashion are produced right here so they worth a visit. Especially … for fashion addicted, these are the best destination for a very affordable shopping.

Mastro Raphael: an elegant italian firm of home textile decorations
Therefore We’ll start this fashion tour beginning from Spoleto, a little beautiful town located in Umbria, famous for its Two Worlds Festival and where one of most important Home Décor brand was born: Mastro Raphael. The founder of the firm based in Umbria, opened a small artisan workshop in 1966, followed by a bottega in Via Palazzo dei Duchi which is still the location of Mastro Raphaël’s store in Spoleto.

Mastro Rapahel is one of most renowned and elegant home decor firms and home textile decorations in Italy. It is a synonymous of timeless elegance and art of haute couture. Hand crafted collections embrace every need for textile furnishing ranging from the naturalness of its raw materials, such as linen, hemp, jute, cotton, silk and the iconic decorations of its designs.

A vocation that is also expressed by the naturalness of the colours: cotton, ivory, rope, warm gray, clay, like the natural one of linen fiber. Famous is the color “Terracotta”, one of the most loved in the 1970s, a distinctive color of the brand and evocative of its own cultural roots.

Mastro Raphael: a fashion factory store and its fabrics for home
Returning to the property space, which is located just inside Spoleto factory, it is possible to find countless items, fabrics, curtains, remnants, from the sponge, to silk, cotton, and furnishing fabrics. The curtains in particular can be found or already made or packaged, hand-embroidered cushions, linens of all kinds for the home, from linen to silk.

Depending on the period, the discounts vary, but they usually are around 30-50%. Obviously the presence of the entire collection in the factory store is not guaranteed, just as there are items belonging to the past collections but it is really worth taking a leap.

If you want to buy or visit the factory store , please write me!